Whales & Dolphin Watching in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has become a habitat for Whales as it a has appropriate environmental conditions to live.In the season, you can witness,

Whales Like

Blue whale | Bryde's whale | Sperm whale | Killer whale | Pilot whale
Large number of Whales frequent can be seen near the coastline of Sri Lanka
Dolphins like

Spinner dolphin | Bottle nose dolphin | Stripped dolphin | Risso's dolphin
Pods of Dolphins can be seen accompanying boats frequently during the months of December to April.

Environmental campaigners, concerned by what they consider the "quick-buck" mentality of some boat owners, continue to strongly urge all whale watcher operators to contribute to local regulations governing whale watching (no international standard set of regulations exist because of the huge variety of species and populations). Common rules include:

Minimize speed/"No wake" speed Avoid sudden turns
Minimize noise
Do not pursue, encircle or come in between whales
Approach animals from angles where they will not be taken by surprise
Consider cumulative impact � minimize number of boats at any one time/per day
Do not coerce dolphins into bow-riding.
Do not allow swimming with dolphins. (This last rule is more contentious and is often disregarded in, for example, the Caribbean.) In New Zealand, the rules adopted under the Marine Mammals Protection Act specifically allow swimming with dolphins and seals but not with juvenile dolphins or a pod of dolphins that includes juvenile dolphins.

visit more about sri lanka www.hendrictours.com

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